DMV on your time

*Note: We do not process driver license transactions. You must go to your local Tax
Collector’s office. Click this link to find your local tax collector.

OATA is Here for You

We know you have more important and enjoyable things to do than wait in long lines at the DMV. That’s why OATA is here to handle many of your DMV-related legal document needs. Our team of expert professionals will ensure all of your paperwork is in order and processed easily.

*Note: We do not process driver license transactions. You must go to your local Tax Collector’s office. Click this link to find your local tax collector.

Save Yourself Time & Headaches With OATA

Make an Appointment

OATA provides full appointments for non-dealer customers and walk-in services at our Winter Park location with evening and Saturday hours. There are no county residency restrictions to make an appointment. 

Our South Orlando / John Young Parkway location serves dealer customers only and does not offer appointments.

To provide expanded services to our customers, the Tax Collector’s office has partnered with OATA to provide title and registration services. All of our services are provided for a fee in addition to the statutory fees paid at a Tax Collector’s Office.


Winter Park

930 Lee Road., Winter Park, FL 32810


145 Palm Bay Rd NE, Unit 99, W Melbourne, FL 32904


Winter Park: Monday through Friday: 9AM - 6PM Sat: 8AM - 1PM Sun: Closed

Brevard: Monday through Friday: 9AM - 6PM Sat & Sun: Closed

Types of transactions - What to bring

About Us

Transfers, Registration Renewals & Much More for Anyone in Florida!

At OATA, our dedicated team of professionals has the expertise to process transactions for anyone in the state of Florida—there are no residency restrictions. We are a contractor for the DMV and local Tax Collectors, and we also provide Dealer Services. Whether you just moved to Florida, need to renew your registration, just bought a vehicle, are gifting a vehicle, have a death in the family, or something related—go with the experts at OATA. We handle all the paperwork so you can get on with more important things in your life. No more waiting in line at the DMV just to be told you need to fill out another document. We make sure everything is in order the first time so that you get what you need swiftly and promptly. That’s the way we’ve always done things, and that’s the way we’ll continue to do them. Your satisfaction is our #1 priority!




407-574-5485 Select Option 4

Winter Park

930 Lee Road., Orlando FL 32810